Anemos Engineering d.o.o. was founded in 2022 as a small engineering company providing project engineering and consulting services for the development and construction project phases.

We are passionate about engineering and we use creative and innovative approach to provide our clients with tailored solutions.

Using creative and innovative approach to provide our clients with tailored engineering solutions.


Bepo Schira CEng MICE

Founder - More than 10 years of experience in offshore industry, providing project engineering, installation analysis, consulting and supervision services to one of the largest development and construction companies in the offshore business.

Dino Santaleza MEng

Engineer - Experienced in shipbuilding, cement production plant design, CAD modelling and windfarm photomontage.

We are here with our diverse skills and experience ready to provide the preferred solution to your project.


If you're interested in hearing more about the services we can provide or want to get a quotation, we'd love to hear from you.